Personalize and protect your BlackBerry 8900 from the elements with this skin-tight silicone skin cover. BlackBerry Curve 8900 Skin Cover prevents dust, dirt, fingerprints, dents and chips from accumulating on your phone. Tailor-fitted for the BlackBerry Curve 8900 with opening to access side buttons, camera and charger jack. Suitable for BlackBerry Curve 8900…..
Orange has just announced a new BlackBerry (NSDQ: RIMM) to join its other Wi-Fi toting bretheren: the BlackBerry Curve 8900. As you may already know, the newest addition to the Curve family sports Wi-Fi, GPS, an extraodinarily sharp screen clocking in at 480 x 360, and a slim, light construction that does the Bold’s chubby profile shame. Quad-band EDGE is fine and all, but there’s no 3G here. One of the biggest changes in this phone has been UMA support – just about the only kind of VoIP Orange is interested in. Plans start at 9€/month for straight-up e-mail, but a promotional 4.5€ rate will be available for the first three months, but there’s also the new Pay as You Go service that the UK introduced that may have found its way across the border. No sign in their online store just yet, but it should be popping up shortly. Wonder how the BlackBerry 8900 stacks up? Check our review for the full low-down.
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